What days are campus closed?
The academic calendar lists all the dates of importance for the academic year. It is located in EICConnect (Menu - Academic Information)
How do I set up voicemail on my office phone?
Information sheets on telephone functions and voicemail setup are located in EICConnect (Menu - Tech Support - Help Desk)
How do I report a maintenance issue?
There is a maintenance work order request located on all faculty/staff computers (icon on the desktop). Please complete this form to notify the maintenance staff of an issue that needs addressed in your classroom/office/building etc. This can also be used to request a setup for an upcoming event held on campus.
Is there a college vehicle available for meetings, conferences, etc.?
Yes. The college has a minivan and 12-passenger van for check out. Contact the President’s office for availability and check out procedure.
Where is the copier located?
There is one copier on campus located in the Student Center Copy Room. A copy code is assigned to each employee and must be used to login to the copier. See the President’s Office for the code.
Are there office supplies available to me?
Basic office supplies (pens, paper clips, post-its, staples, notepads, etc.) for faculty are located in the Copy Room in the Student Center.
How do I mail a letter?
Outgoing mail should be taken to the Copy Room in the Student Center and placed on the postage meter located to the left past the mailboxes. It will be posted and sent out. Outgoing mail is picked up around 9:30 a.m., M-F.
Where do I pick up my mail?
Staff mailboxes are located in the Copy Room in the Student Center (to the left as you walk in).
What is the procedure for cancelling a class (due to illness, personal day, bereavement, meeting)?
Contact your supervisor and President’s Assistant via email. Email your students. Cancellation will also be posted on EICConnect. If absent due to illness/bereavement/personal day, complete a green leave form (located in President’s Office). Must be signed by supervisor and president.
My computer (office or classroom) is not working correctly. What do I do?
Contact the help desk by dialing x3456 or emailing them at helpdesk@eicc.edu. There is also a Technical Support Request form located on EICConnect (Menu - Tech Support - Technical Support Request)
I need a room for a meeting. How do I schedule one?
Contact the President’s Assistant with date, time and size of group. An available room will be assigned.
How do I order supplies/equipment?
Supervisor/Dept. Coordinator approval is needed before placing an order. Once approved, send ordering details (vendor name, address, items to be ordered, price) to the Admin. Assistant in the President’s Office. A requisition will be typed, approved and sent to the vendor. If you receive an invoice for items ordered, please give to the Admin. Assistant for payment processing.
Is there a campus credit card?
Yes, It is located in the President’s Office. It does not leave campus. It is used when a credit card payment is the only type of payment that will be accepted by a vendor.