Dec 21, 2024  
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan 
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan

2023 - 2024 Quality Faculty Plan

The EICC faculty and staff who drafted the initial plan came together at the prompting of the Iowa legislature, which in April of 2002 determined that local boards, not the State of Iowa, should be responsible for guaranteeing the quality of community college faculty. Each of the fifteen community colleges was charged with developing a plan to meet local needs while adhering to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and Iowa State Department of Education accreditation standards.

As soon as the initial committee began the planning process at EICC, they discovered:

  • EICC hiring practices already conformed to the guidelines of the State of Iowa and our accrediting agencies.
  • Comprehensive campus and district orientation were already in place.
  • Continuing professional development was already a part of the faculty evaluation process.
  • The relationship between the administration and the faculty association was one of cooperation and respect.

The members of the initial committee worked over the period of several months to draft several versions of this plan and in the end, agreed that simple was better, and an individualized approach served our needs well. The plan was designed to be flexible in meeting faculty professional development needs and to focus on the improvement of teaching and student learning. It is agreed that when the plan conflicts with the master contract, the resolution will be in favor of the contract.

The original committee consisted of Laurie Adolph, Jeff Armstrong, Dan Baldwin, Kirk Barkdoll, Carol Cunningham, Lana Dettbarn, Aaron Doyle, Roger Johnson, Paul Martin, Lanell Mogab, Mark Newman, Ron Serpliss, Diane Underwood, Karen Vickers, Deb Walker, and Lori Walljasper.

In 2008, a revision committee was formed to revisit the plan. The members of the 2008 revision committee have worked over a period of several months to update the May 2003 Board Approved Quality Faculty Plan. These 15 members met as a whole and independently as “Existing Plan” and “Adjunct Plan” subcommittees to ensure each of the following components was included in the revised plan.

  1. Plan maintenance provisions.
  2. Determination of the employees to be included in the plan.
  3. Orientation for new faculty.
  4. Continuing professional development for faculty.
  5. Procedures for accurate recordkeeping and documentation.
  6. Consortium arrangements where appropriate, cost-effective, and mutually beneficial.
  7. Activities to ensure faculty attain and demonstrate instructional competencies and knowledge within their subject or technical areas.
  8. Procedures for collection and maintenance of records demonstrating each faculty member has attained or documented progress toward attaining minimum competencies.
  9. Compliance with the faculty accreditation standards of the HLC and with the faculty standards required under specific programs offered by the community colleges that are accredited by other accrediting agencies.

The existing plan subcommittee members were: Mark Newman, Curt Putman, Thomas Coley, Dean Stone, Gail Spies, George Varchola, Jerry Wilkerson, and Paul Wilts.

The adjunct plan subcommittee members were: Teresa Paper, Lanell Mogab, Reg Shoesmith, Kathleen Conway, George Varchola, Brad McConnell, Ron Serpliss, and Janelle Torres y Torres.

The 2008 Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of Thomas Coley, Kathleen Conway, Brad McConnell, Lanell Mogab, Mark Newman, Teresa Paper, Curt Putman, Ron Serpliss, Reg Shoesmith, Gail Spies, Dean Stone, Janelle Torres y Torres, George Varchola, Jerry Wilkerson, and Paul Wilts.

During the 2013/2014 academic year a Quality Faculty Plan Committee was formed to revisit and revise the existing plan. Care was given that all nine state requirements for the plan were retained. The plan was approved by the EICC Board of Trustees at their July 2014 meeting.

The 2014/2015 Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of Barb Adlam, Janet Coogan, Paula Finch, Laurie Hanson, Heidi Hilbert, Christopher Legel, Rob Lipnick, Dan Martin, Samantha Nelson, Ron Serpliss, Alan Shaw, and Gail Spies.

The 2015/2016 academic year Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of Barb Adlam, Laurie Adolph, Janet Coogan, John Dabeet, Heidi Hilbert, Joan Kindle, Christopher Legel, Rob Lipnick, Daniel Marvin, Samantha Nelson, Jeremy Pickard, Ron Serpliss, Ruth Sueverkruebbe, and Andrea Williams.

The 2016/2017 academic year Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of Barb Adlam, Laurie Adolph, John Dabeet, Heidi Hilbert, Paula Finch, Joan Kindle, Christopher Legel, Rob Lipnick, Daniel Marvin, Samantha Nelson, Ron Serpliss, Ruth Sueverkruebbe, Andrea Williams.

The 2017/2018 academic year Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of Barbara Adlam, Laurie Adolph, Bill Backlin, John Dabeet, Paula Finch, Joan Kindle, Katja Leesemann-Johnson, Christopher Legel; Rob Lipnick; Daniel Marvin, Ron Serpliss, and Andrea Williams.

The 2018/2019 academic year Quality Faculty Plan Committee consisted of John Dabeet, Debora Sullivan, Christopher Legel, Daniel Marvin, Cheryl Welsch, and Andrea Williams.

The 2019/2020 academic year Quality Faculty Plan committee consisted of John Dabeet, Debora Sullivan, Christopher Legel, Gabe Knight, Matt Schmit, Cheryl Welsch, and Andrea Williams.

The 2020/2021 academic year Quality Faculty Plan committee consisted of John Dabeet, Debora Sullivan, Christopher Legel, Gabe Knight, Matt Schmit, Cheryl Welsch, and Andrea Williams.

The 2021/2022 academic year Quality Faculty Plan committee consisted of John Dabeet, Debora Sullivan, Christopher Legel, Gabe Knight, Matt Schmit, Cheryl Welsch, and Andrea Williams.

The 2022/2023 academic year Quality Faculty Plan committee consisted of John Dabeet, Nikki Gullion, Christopher Legel, Gabe Knight, Matt Schmit, Tina Solheim, and Andrea Williams.