Feb 08, 2025  
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan 
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan


Final Course Grade Appeal Process

The assessment of the quality of a student’s academic performance is one of the major professional responsibilities of college faculty members and is solely and properly their responsibility. It is essential for the standards of the academic programs at Eastern Iowa Community Colleges and the integrity of the certificates, diplomas, and degrees conferred by the college that the professional judgments of faculty members not be subject to pressures or other interference from any source. It is necessary, however, that any semester grade be based on evidence of the students’ performance in a course, that the student have access to the evidence, that the instructor be willing to explain and interpret the evidence to the student, and that a grade be determined in accordance with written standards. The written standards should be presented in each course within the first quarter of the term.

A student who believes an error was made in the assigning of their final grade may take the following steps:

  1. The student submits written documentation identifying the course and concern for the final grade to the Dean of Instruction or other appropriate academic administrator supervising the area in which the concern arose.
  2. The student will confer with the instructor with a goal to reach mutual understanding about the assigned grade. If the understanding is reached, the appeal process is complete.
  3. If the student and instructor were unable to reach a mutual understanding regarding the assigned grade, the student will confer with the Department Coordinator and instructor of the course in an effort to reach an understanding.
  4. If an understanding cannot be reached with the Department Coordinator and course instructor, the student may submit a petition in writing (no later than the end of the fourth week of the semester following that for which the grade is being appealed, excluding the summer term) to the Dean of Instruction to activate the formal grade appeal process. The Dean of Instruction convenes the Grade Appeals Committee within 10 school days (except summer and semester breaks) of receipt of the petition and asked to review the petition.
  5. The Grade Appeals Committee will invite the student to present their appeal to the committee. The committee may invite additional individuals to gather more information.
  6. The Grade Appeals Committee will submit a recommendation for the appeal to the Dean of Instruction. The committee may recommend the grade stand as assigned or the grade was not assigned appropriately and merits further action. The Dean of Instruction will review the recommendation from the committee, collect additional information as needed and make the final decision regarding the grade in question within 10 school days of receipt of the recommendation of the Committee. The Dean will discuss the final decision with the instructor. The dean will communicate the final decision with the student. Should the decision involve a grade change, the Dean of Instruction shall direct the instructor to make the grade change. The decision of the Dean of Instruction is final.

Composition of the Grade Appeals Committee

A grade appeals committee may be a standing committee on each campus convened as needed to consider appeals from students regarding the final grade assigned in a course. The committee is appointed by the Dean of Instruction and shall consist of four full-time faculty members and two full-time students. The two students shall be recommended by the college’s student senate/government. If a faculty committee member is the instructor whose assignment of a grade is being appeals, the Dean of Instruction may appoint a substitute faculty member to the committee in place of that instructor. If a member of the committee has been involved in mediating a solution to the grade appeal previous to the formal appeal stage, the Dean of Instruction may appoint a substitute member to the committee. If a student member is appealing a grade, then the majority of officers of the student senate/government may select an alternate student committee member.

EICC Grade Appeals Flow Chart  

Grade Change Form  

Grades and Attendance Reporting

Faculty report attendance and grades at specific times throughout the semester. Each semester, the college registrars publish a schedule of dates for the submission of attendance reports and grades. Please find the most recent schedule and instructions within the Registrar’s Calendar Dates document on EICC ConnectLinks to an external site. (EICConnect > Faculty/Staff Services > Registrars (Faculty/Staff) > Forms).

If you encounter any problems or have questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at your campus:

    • CCC: Mardell Mommsen at 563-244-7006
    • MCC: Robin Mitchell at 563-288-6103
    • SCC: Diane Schmidt at 563-441-4131


Faculty keep a current grade book in the Canvas shell for each of their courses. At the end of the term, faculty submit grades in accordance with the semester schedule and download and submit a copy of the grade book for each course. For assistance setting up your online grade book, please contact the eLearning Department at canvashelp@eicc.edu.

Once per semester faculty members are required to submit attendance verification for students, so maintaining attendance accurately is important. Instructions and the due date are communicated via email.  

Marking System

A - Excellent Performance

B - Above Average Performance

C - Average Performance

D - Below Average Performance

F - Failure. No credit granted or grade points are awarded, but the credits attempted are figured into GPA as zeros.

“F” grades are given for poor performance, poor attendance, failure to officially withdraw, or failure to meet makeup requirements for an Incomplete grade.

I - Failure to complete required work due to justifiable extenuating circumstances

An “I” grade means you have asked for and received permission from your instructor to complete the required course work no later than mid-term of the following academic term, not including summer sessions. Failure to complete the work in that time frame will result in an “F” grade.

W - Official withdrawal from a course. To qualify for a “W” grade, you must complete the withdrawal form two weeks prior to the first day of final exams. Contact the College Registrar for summer and short term withdrawal dates. If you leave a course without officially withdrawing, you will receive an “F” or the grade that reflects your course performance.

N - Audit. Audit is a “no credit/no pass” grade that you can use for several purposes: you may choose it during registration instead of a course grade; or in place of withdrawal with instructor permission if you are already enrolled in a course; OR the college may award the “N” grade to students in developmental courses who do not make sufficient progress to move into credit courses. When you audit a course, you and your instructor will agree on your attendance and participation in class activities. The Audit option is offered only on a space-available basis. You must complete the audit form by the end of the 10th day prior to the first day of final exams.

P - Given when you pass a course and earn credit without grade points being awarded. Courses transferred into EICC with a “P” grade are considered to be credit without being calculated into your GPA.

R - Course has been repeated.

O - Fresh Start Grade

This information can also be found in our Catalog.