Feb 11, 2025  
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan 
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan

Orientation for New Full-Time Faculty

New Full-Time Faculty

New Faculty Teaching Institute: EICC will provide new faculty with an orientation before the start of the fall term through a multiple-day New Faculty Teaching Institute. The Institute is designed to meet the needs of new community college faculty and includes, but is not limited to, curriculum review, lesson planning, rubric design, classroom management, evaluation procedures, ADA requirements, campus tours, diversity, equity, and inclusion training, assessment practices, and Learning Management System (LMS) training.

New faculty will be:

  • Given district-related policies, procedures, programs, and services
  • Introduced to the EICC mission, vision, and strategic plan
  • Provided with access to all forms, operational policies, and services

Faculty Mentors: New faculty will be paired with a mentor during their first year at EICC. Mentors must have three (3) years of teaching experience and will complete mentor training. Mentors and mentees are expected to meet at least once per month to collaborate on the development of teaching and learning practices.

New Faculty Development Course: All new faculty will complete the mandatory New Faculty Development Course (NFDC) during their first year of employment. New faculty will receive three (3) hours of release time per semester of their first year to attend a three-hour session once per month unless otherwise noted. The supervising Dean will work with new faculty to schedule courses around the NFDC.

New Online Faculty

The eLearning Department will coordinate with all new online faculty to complete the EICC Canvas Self-Paced Orientation Course.

New Adjunct Faculty

Each new adjunct will meet with their assigned department coordinator to review curriculum, lesson planning, rubric design, classroom management, evaluation procedures, ADA requirements, campus tours, diversity, equity, and inclusion, assessment practices, and they will complete Learning Management System (LMS) training. New adjunct faculty teaching online will additionally meet with the eLearning Department and complete the EICC Canvas Self-Paced Orientation Course to be completed prior to teaching online or within the first two weeks of the term.

New College Connections Instructors (CCI)

New College Connections Instructors (CCI) will complete the mandatory College Connections Orientation prior to teaching their concurrent course. New CCI will schedule a time to meet with the Concurrent Department to review onboarding instructions, National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) expectations and connecting the CCI and the assigned department coordinator/faculty liaison.

Department coordinators/faculty liaisons will provide all new concurrent enrollment instructors with course-specific training in philosophy, curriculum, syllabi and learning outcomes, rubric design, pedagogy, classroom observations, assessment practices, and EICC Learning Management System (LMS) training. The CCI will receive communication from the Concurrent Department recapping all wraparound services available, and contact information for the Concurrent Department, department coordinator/faculty liaison, and supervising Divisional Dean.