Feb 08, 2025  
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan 
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan

Faculty Responsibilities

Canvas Mentor-Trainer

The Mentor Trainer Model

The Mentor Trainer (MT) Model is based on a broad vision of integrating the e-Learning department throughout the EICC district with enhanced access and direct support.  Mentor trainers are faculty peers who are high-end, sophisticated users of the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS), its related tools, and other eLearning technologies.  They act as representatives for their respective campus programs to assist in providing training and to model best practices in the use of eLearning resources for both online and eCompanion delivery.

The model is designed to achieve:

  • on-site access to LMS course design and technical support at all college locations
  • a network of front-line troubleshooters who can provide immediate assistance to faculty peers
  • higher confidence levels in online and eCompanion delivery

Mentor Trainer Services

Mentor trainers (MTs) act as extended representatives of the eLearning department, assisting colleagues and students with day-to-day needs regarding all forms of distance learning, including but not limited to:  online, blended, streaming, and eCompanion.  MTs provide first-hand support with the Learning Management System, associated eLearning tools, and equipment challenges.  In addition, the MTs provide assistance in identifying best practices in eLearning that will enhance the teaching and learning experience.  MTs maintain a log of interactions with faculty and students as a means of identifying trends regarding instructional delivery issues or needs for additional training. 

Mentor Trainer Positions

In collaboration with the Deans of Instruction at each college, the eLearning department identifies five mentor trainers to serve the various district locations where services are most needed. If your interested in becoming a MT, contact your dean of instruction.

  • BTC/URB (1)
  • CCC (1)
  • MCC (1)
  • SCC (2)

Future Mentor Trainer Initiatives

In a world of ever-changing technology and resources, the role of the Mentor Trainer may take on new or different responsibilities as the needs for services and training change.  MTs may be involved in the development of training resources, participating in new faculty orientations, assisting with the roll out of new eLearning tools, or other activities that directly support the smooth implementation of services.

Committees, Councils and Task Forces Participation

Faculty participate on various committees within the colleges and across the district. More information about each committee, including its charge, membership and agendas, can be found on EICC Connect. (EICConnect > Faculty/Staff Services > District Work Groups). Faculty interested in serving on a committee may talk with their department coordinator, program director, or instructional dean about current opportunities. For district committees, faculty should contact the committee chairperson.

There are specific academic-related councils, committees and task forces identified each year. The academic-related group for 2021-2022 is listed below. Check with your instructional dean for more information.

FY22 Academic-Related Committees,
Councils and Task Forces

Academic Calendar Committee VC for Academic Affairs, N. DeWinter
Advanced Credit Committee TBD
Adult Evening Review Taskforce E. Snyder, TBD
College Readiness Review Taskforce A. Lawler, K. Kelley
Competency Based Learning Committee S. Schneider
Council for Teaching Excellence (EXCEL) G. Bielski
Course Review and Development Committee TBD
Distance Learning Advisory Steering Committee  G. Knight, M. Rasmussen
Distinguished Faculty Review Committee H. Bedell
Education Council VC for Academic Affairs (ON HOLD)
Educational Programs, Policies & Curriculum Council (EPC) C. Welsch
Instructional Hour Taskforce TBD
Outcomes Assessment Committee H. Meissen
Quality Faculty Plan Committee C. Welsch, C. Legel
Zoom Review Taskforce G. Knight, M. Rasmussen

Committee, council and task force openings are generally announced at the end and/or the beginning of the academic year.

Information on site-based Professional Development Committees can be found in the Center for Professional DevelopmentLinks to an external site. (EICConnect > Faculty/Staff Services Center for Professional Development > Committees).

Club Adviser

There are multiple clubs and organizations at EICC campuses. Please consult with your instructional dean if you are interested in starting or advising a student club. 

A list of the different clubs and organizations available at EICC can be found at eicc.edu/clubs.

Job Description - Faculty

Specific faculty qualifications and requirements may be adjusted based on the specific department or discipline.

Download Instructor Job Description  


The Department Coordinator/Program Director (DC/PD) provides departmental leadership assisting with operational matters including scheduling, recruitment, program reviews, outcomes assessment and accreditation, as appropriate. Serves as a problem solver, communication link for college and district information, mentor and representative for departmental faculty. The DC/PD supports and represents the Dean or Associate Dean, as needed. Responsible for oversight and observation of adjunct faculty but is not an evaluator of full-time faculty.

Please consult with your Dean of Instruction for more information.

Download DC and Program Director Job Description  

Meeting Participation

Faculty are expected to attend and participate in meetings.  There are regular Department Meetings, Faculty Meetings, All College Meetings, and District Meetings throughout each semester.  The schedule for college meetings is available in the Instructional Dean’s Office.

Before the beginning of each semester, during Welcome Back Days, there is a schedule of meetings, information sessions, and professional development available for faculty and staff at each college. There are two events for all EICC District employees scheduled each year - Fall Development Day and Spring Symposium.  Faculty participate in scheduled Assessment Days in both the fall and spring semesters to work on outcomes assessment and general education assessment activities. 

New Faculty Mentor

Faculty mentoring in the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges provides a number of benefits to new faculty, mentors and, as a result, to the entire college district. By pairing recently hired faculty members with instructors who are more experienced in the EICC culture, newcomers learn details about the district’s curriculum, teaching methods and various procedures of one’s department, division and college. In addition, mentors benefit by learning new ideas from colleagues who have, in many cases, just completed an advanced degree and who have access to up-to-date technological and pedagogical insight.

The mentoring program at EICC recognizes that most academic directors at the college have existing programs to orient new faculty members to their respective departments. The Council of Teaching Excellence (EXCEL), which facilitates faculty mentoring at EICC, also knows that there are orientation activities that take place through the Office of Human Resource Development. This process is not designed to take the place of either of those activities, but rather to complement them. It is important to note that Faculty Mentoring does NOT involve any type of peer evaluation. It is a collaborative process that is intended to make the transition into full-time teaching at EICC as effective and positive as possible.

More information mentoring and the New Faculty Development Course can be found in the NFDC Mentor Program Handbook FY22 

Office Hours

Faculty should maintain established office hours and meet with students as necessary. Office hours should be posted for students and placed on file in your Instructional Dean’s office. The expectation is that faculty should have a minimum of 5 scheduled office hours per week, and be available to meet with students outside those time as reasonable and necessary.  If the need arises to cancel or reschedule office hours, faculty should communicate this change to students via Canvas email or course announcements.

Quality Faculty Plan

In April of 2002, the Iowa legislature determined that local boards, not the State of Iowa, should be responsible for guaranteeing the quality of community college faculty. Each of the fifteen community colleges was charged with developing a plan to meet local needs while adhering to Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and Iowa State Department of Education accreditation standards. The Quality Faculty Plan for each community college is expecting to include provisions for faculty orientation, professional development, record keeping, hiring practices, and evaluation. The Quality Faculty Plan Committee, consisting of equal representation of faculty and administration, is charged with maintenance and revision of the Plan. Every three years, the plan is brought to the EICC Board of Trustees for approval.

As part of the Quality Faculty Plan, new faculty are required to complete orientation activities and all faculty must complete ongoing professional development activities. Full-time faculty must complete the equivalent of 45 clock hours of professional development during each three-year evaluation cycle. Adjunct faculty who teach for more than four years must show evidence of six clock hours of professional development during each three-year cycle.

Each faculty member is responsible for tracking the completion of required professional development via the Professional Development Records.system. A link to the PDR system is also available in the My Bookmarks section of your EICConnect homepage. The PDR system is set up for you to enter information about activities such as workshops, conferences, and college courses, as well as district development days (fall and spring) and the mandatory training completed through the HR links each year.

You can use the PDR system to save your information, print it, and/or email it to yourself, your supervising dean, or HR.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact Cheryl Welsch (cawelsch@eicc.edu or 563-336-5235).

Information about the Quality Faculty Plan can be found on EICConnect  under The Center for Professional Development (EICConnect >  Faculty/Staff Services > Center for Professional Development).