Dec 21, 2024
Faculty Handbook & Quality Faculty Plan
FAQ: EICC Abbreviations and Other College Terms
- A.A./A.S. - Associate of Arts / Associate of Science
- AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
- AAS - Associate of Applied Science
- ACE - Architecture. Construction, Engineering Mentor Program of America
- ACO - Authorized College Official
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- AEA - American Evaluation Association
- ALCOA - Aluminum Company of America
- ALEKS - Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system
- ALP - Accelerated Learning Program
- ASAC - Area Substance Abuse Council
- B.A./B.S. - Bachelor of Arts Degree / Bachelor of Science Degree
- BTC - Blong Technology Center
- CCC - Clinton Community College
- CCN - Common Course Numbering
- CCSSE - Community College Survey of Student Engagement
- CDM - Course Development Model
- CE - Continuing Education
- CEU - Continuing Education Unit
- CHAMPs - Certified Higher Academic Military Partners
- CRM Advise -
- CTE - Career Technical Education
- EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity
- EEOC - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- EICC - Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
- EICCD - Eastern Iowa Community College District
- EPC - Educational Programs, Policy, and Curriculum Council
- EXCEL - Council for Teaching Excellence
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- FT/PT - Full time/Part Time
- FTE - Full Time Equivalent
- GCTWF - Great Colleges to Work for
- GPA - Grade Point Average
- HiSET - High School Equivalency Test
- HLC - Higher Learning Commission
- HR - Human Resources
- ICCOC - Iowa Community College Online Consortium
- IEP - Individualized Education Program
- LEAD - Leaders for Engagement, Advocacy and Development
- LEAP - Liberal Education and America’s Promise
- LMS - Learning Management System
- MCC - Muscatine Community College
- MLA - Modern Language Association
- NACEP - National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
- OFCCP - The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
- OSHA - Occupational Safety and Heath Administration
- PDR - Professional Development Record
- PGP - Preferred Gender Pronoun
- QFP - Quality Faculty Plan
- SAU - St. Ambrose University
- SCALE - Southern Center for Active Learning Excellence
- SI - Supplemental Instruction
- SCC - Scott Community College
- SPOTS - Student Perceptions of Teaching
- TBA - To Be Announced
- TRiO - The Federal TRiO Programs are federal outreach and student services programs in the United States designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are administered, funded, and implemented by the United States Department of Education
- URB - Urban Campus
- VA - Veteran’s Affairs
- WDC - West Davenport Center
- WIU - Western Illinois University