When Student has a concern about their final grade, that concern can be expressed through General Grade Concern form, or through contacting their Divisional Academic Dean directly. The Final Grade Appeal process starts with the Informal Appeal Process and then moves into the Formal Appeal Process.
Informal Appeal Process
Students must complete the Informal Appeal Process before moving to petition the committee to formally appeal their final grade.
Step 1: Student and Instructor - Student addresses concern directly with the instructor.
Step 2: Student, Instructor, and Divisional Dean - Student, instructor, EICC Divisional Dean address concern and if agreement is reached the informal process is complete.
Step 3: If the concern is unresolved, the student may initiate the formal grade appeal process otherwise the grade assigned remains.
Formal Appeal Process
Step 4: If resolution is not reached during the informal process, Student may choose to submit a Final Grade Appeal petition using Maxient software on EICC Connect to formally appeal their final grade. The Final Grade Appeal petition must be received no later than the end of the fourth week of the fall or spring semester following that for which the grade is being appealed, excluding the summer term.
Once the appeal is received by the Divisional Dean, the Dean shall notify the Instructor as soon as possible via email and activate the Final Grade Appeal Committee. The timeline for the Grade Appeal process begins on the date that this notification is sent via EICC email to the instructor.
Step 5: Instructor is requested to submit a response (via Maxient) to the Grade Appeal Committee within 10 school days (except summer and semester breaks) of being notified of receipt of the petition.
Step 6: The Grade Appeal Committee will meet within 15 school days of Instructor being notified of receipt of the petition to review and consider the grade appeal petition.
Based on the Information received and reviewed by the committee, the committee may:
- Request an additional 5 school days to gather more information and reconvene, OR
- Request to meet with the student and/or the instructor or other relevant party, OR
- Make one of the following decisions regarding the final grade
- Grade Stands
- Grade should be changed
- The committee will decide that the student will receive a new grade.
- If the final grade is undetermined:
- Additional assessments may be conducted and reported back to the committee.
- The committee may request the Dean to assign two faculty members from either the department/program (or closely related department/program) to assist the committee.
- Once completed and assessed, the committee shall make a decision about the assignment of grade.
Step 7: The committee will communicate their final decision to the EICC Divisional Dean, or Program Director or EICC Representative of the Dean or Program Director Academic Dean or their Designee:
- The grade will stand as assigned.
- The committee will request the Dean to report the committee’s final decision to the student and the instructor via certified mail unless alternate arrangements have been made in advance.
- The grade will be changed.
- The committee will request the Dean to report the final decision to the instructor via certified mail, directing the instructor to make the grade change within 5 school days.
If the instructor fails to make the grade change, then the Dean shall authorize the registrar to make the grade change, and the decision will remain final.
- The committee will request The Dean report the final decision to the student via certified mail unless alternate arrangements have been made in advance.
Composition of the Grade Appeals Committee
A grade appeals committee will be convened to consider appeals from students regarding the final grade assigned in a course. The committee is appointed by the Divisional Dean and shall consist of five full-time faculty members and two full-time students. The two students shall be recommended by the Deans of Students from the college’s leadership organizations. Preferably, the five full-time faculty members will represent each of the Divisions. At least one member of the Grade Appeal Committee must be from the Division where the grade appeal originated. The grade appeals committee pool shall be comprised of three faculty members from each Division.
All members of the committee must have completed FERPA training. If a faculty committee member is the instructor whose assignment of a grade is being appealed, the Divisional Dean may appoint a substitute faculty member to the committee in place of that instructor. If a member of the committee has been involved in mediating a solution to the grade appeal prior to the formal appeal stage, the Divisional Dean may appoint a substitute member to the committee. If a student member is appealing a grade, then the majority of officers of the student senate/government may select an alternate student committee member.
Grade Appeal Person of Support
The student or faculty member may utilize the aid of a person of support to help them through the grade appeal process. A grade appeal person of support may be anyone. The grade appeal person of support may attend meetings that include the party that they are supporting, but may not speak for the party they are supporting. A student consent to release information form must be on file for the person of support for the student and/or faculty member.
Documentation & Record-Keeping
- Document Retention: Use Maxient and Docuware for secure, centralized document storage (Shelly Lowry to oversee).
- Data Protection: Ensure adherence to FERPA and EICC guidelines, restricting access to authorized personnel only.