Mar 31, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook 
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities and Student Code of Conduct

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges students are both citizens and members of the academic community. As citizens, students enjoy the same freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and right of petition that other citizens enjoy. As members of the academic community, students are subject to the obligations which are theirs by virtue of this membership.

The College expects its students to conduct themselves in such a way as to reflect credit upon the institution they represent. There are two basic standards of behavior required of all students: a) They shall not violate any board policy, municipal, state, or federal law; b) nor interfere with or disrupt the orderly educational processes of the College. Students are not entitled to greater immunities or privileges before the law than those enjoyed by other citizens generally.

Identification Cards

I.D. cards are available on request. Contact the Student Development area if you would like an I.D. card.

Authorized Use of Facilities

The College is a public facility entrusted to the Board of Directors and College officials for the purpose of conducting the process of education. Activities which appear to be compatible with this purpose are approved by the College in accordance with established College procedure. Activities which appear to be incompatible or in opposition to the purpose of education or the mission of the College are normally disapproved. College officials exercise reasonable control over the use of facilities to ensure the College’s maximum use for the purpose for which it was intended. Therefore, any student or organization planning an activity at the College which requires space to accommodate two or more persons must have prior approval of the activity. Application forms to reserve space and for the approval of the activities are available through the appropriate College office.

Right to Assemble

Students have the right of free expression and advocacy; however, the time, place, and manner of exercising speech and advocacy rights shall be regulated in such a manner to ensure orderly conduct, noninterference with College functions or activities, and identification of sponsoring groups or individuals. (All on-campus meetings and college- sponsored activities must be preregistered and approved by the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee.)

Conduct Expected of Students - Student Code of Conduct

The following regulations describe offenses for which disciplinary proceedings may be initiated. The College expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid disciplinary action. Students are expected to obey the law, to show respect for properly constituted authority, to perform contractual obligations, to maintain integrity and a high standard of honor in academic work, and to observe a standard of conduct appropriate for the College. The College expects all students to conduct themselves under all circumstances in a responsible manner. This implies thoughtful consideration of college property and members of the college community.

Any student or group of students failing to observe either the general standards of conduct or any specific regulation adopted by the College, or acting in a manner not in the best interest of other students of the College, shall be subject to disciplinary action.

The following shall constitute unacceptable behavior and shall subject the offenders to disciplinary penalties as provided in College policy:

Academic Dishonesty

College deans may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of Academic Dishonesty. Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any course at this college. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are examples of such dishonesty and will result in serious consequences. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words as your own, whether in writing or in speaking.

You are plagiarizing if you:

  1. Use direct quotes without quotation marks and textual citation of the
  2. Paraphrase without crediting the source;
  3. Present another’s ideas as your own without citing the source;
  4. Submit material written by someone else as your own (this includes purchasing or borrowing a
  5. Submit a paper or assignment for which you have received so much help that the writing style is
    significantly different from your own.
  6. Participate in a group project which presents plagiarized material;
  7. Fail to provide adequate citations for information obtained through electronic
  8. Download or submit work from electronic sources without citation

You are cheating if you:

  1. Partially or wholly copy someone else’s exam or homework;
  2. Allow another student to copy your work or submit work you have written as his/her own;
  3. Refer to any text, notes, other materials, or any other type of assistance including electronic devices, during an exam without authorization to do so;
  4. Submit a paper or assignment for which you have received so much help that the writing style is significantly different from your own;
  5. Pass test answers to another student during or before a test. Cheating and plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, are serious offenses.

Consequences include:

  1. Disciplinary Action by the Instructor: An instructor who suspects you of plagiarism or cheating must inform you of the allegation as soon as possible. If the instructor comes to the conclusion that the student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor will determine what action to take. The instructor may decide to give you a zero for the assignment, may reduce your grade for the course, or even assign an F for the course. The instructor may send a written report of the case to inform the Dean or Authorized College Official, and may request additional disciplinary action; a copy is sent to the student.
  2. Student Appeal: If you believe that the finding of plagiarism or cheating is in error or the penalty unjust, you may appeal to the Dean or Authorized College Official. The appeal will be processed in accordance with Section 2-200 of the Student Code of Conduct. An informal hearing will be held and an Administrative Disposition will be presented to the student. Further appeal information is included in the Student Code of Conduct located in the Student Handbook.

Alternatives: Academic dishonesty is unnecessary, especially since there are alternatives.

  1. If you are unsure about the proper use of sources, or the extent to which collaboration on an assignment is allowed, talk with the instructor;
  2. Consult a recognized handbook for instruction on citing source materials;
  3. Contact the Skills Center (MCC), Writing Center (SCC), or Academic Success Center (CCC).

Note: Material adapted from handouts of the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and University of Delaware.

Code of Conduct for Education Loans

Iowa Code Section 261E.2 and Section 487 (a)(25)(A) of the Higher Education Act (HEA) requires colleges and universities to develop, administer, and enforce a code of conduct governing educational loan activities. You may review EICC’s code of conduct for educational loans on the EICC website at

Technology Usage Policy for EICC


Eastern Iowa Community Colleges relies on its computer network to conduct its business. To ensure that its employees, students, independent contractors, agents, and other computer users use its computer resources appropriately, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges has created this Computer Use Policy (the “Policy”).
The rules and obligations described in this Policy apply to all users (the “Users”) of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ computer network, wherever they may be located. Violations will be taken very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination, and civil and criminal liability.

It is every User’s duty to use Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ computer resources responsibly, professionally, ethically, and lawfully.


From time to time in this Policy, we refer to terms that require definitions:

The term Computer Resources refers to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ entire computer network.

Specifically, Computer Resources includes, but are not limited to: host computers, file servers, database servers, application servers, communication servers, mail servers, fax servers, Web servers, workstations, stand-alone computers, laptops, software, data files, and all internal and external computer and communications networks (for example, Internet, commercial online services, value-added networks, e-mail systems, ERP systems) that may be accessed directly or indirectly from our computer network.

The term Users refers to all employees, students, independent contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and other persons or entities that use our Computer Resources.


The Computer Resources are the property of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges and may be used only for legitimate business purposes. Users are permitted access to the Computer Resources as a tool to assist them in the performance of their various duties. Use of the computer system is a privilege that may be revoked at any time.

In using or accessing our Computer Resources, Users must comply with the following provisions.

  1. No Expectation of Privacy

    No expectation of Privacy: The computers and computer accounts given to Users are to assist them in performance of their jobs or tasks. Users should not have an expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive on the computer system. The computer system belongs to the District and may be used only for business purposes.

    Waiver of privacy rights: Users expressly waive any right of privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive on the computer or through the Internet or any other computer network. Users consent to allowing personnel of the district to access and review all materials Users create, store, send, or receive on the computer or through the Internet or any other computer network. Users understand that Eastern Iowa Community Colleges may use human or automated means to monitor use of its Computer Resources.
  2. Prohibited Activities

    Inappropriate or unlawful material. Material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate may not be sent by e-mail or other form of electronic communications (such as bulletin board systems, newsgroups, chat groups) or displayed on or stored in Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ computers. Users encountering or receiving this kind of material should immediately report the incident to the Help Desk at extension 3456.
    Prohibited Uses. Without prior written permission from the Director of Information and Technology Services, Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ Computer Resources may not be used for dissemination or storage of commercial or personal advertisement, solicitations, promotions, destructive programs (that is, viruses or self-replicating code), political material, or any other unauthorized use.

    Waste of computer resources. Users may not deliberately perform acts that waste Computer Resources or unfairly monopolize resources in the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games, listening to internet radio stations, viewing and listening to non-job/schoolwork related audio/video streaming, engaging in online chat groups, printing multiple copies of documents, or otherwise creating unnecessary network traffic.

    Misuse of software. Without prior written authorization from the Associate Director of Information and Technology Services, Users may not do any of the following: (1) copy software for use on their home computers; (2) provide copies of software to any independent contractors or clients of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges or to any third person; (3) install software on any of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ workstations or servers; (4) download any software from the Internet or other online service to any of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ workstations or servers; (5) modify, revise, transform, recast, or adapt any software; or (6) reverse-engineer, disassemble, or decompile any software. Users who become aware of any misuse of software or violation of copyright law should immediately report the incident to their supervisors.

    Communication of trade secrets. Unless expressly authorized by the Chancellor, sending, transmitting, or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets, or other confidential information of the District is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized dissemination of this information may result in substantial civil inability as well as severe criminal penalties under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996.

    Illegal Copying. EICC recognizes and adheres to the U.S. and International copyright laws, software licensees and intellectual property rights associated with both print and non-print materials. EICC forbids, under any circumstances, the unauthorized reproduction of software, use of illegally obtained software, or gathering or distribution of illegally obtained copyrighted digital materials. Using EICC equipment for any of these purposes is prohibited. EICC employees and students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Individuals who violate U.S. copyright law and software licensing agreements also may be subject to criminal or civil action by the owner of the copyright.

    Distributing copyrighted songs, games, videos, movies or other copyrighted files or materials without permission is a violation of the Federal copyright laws. Individuals who violate U.S. copyright law and software licensing agreements also may be subject to criminal or civil action by the owner of the copyright. EICC will cooperate with any criminal investigation regarding these matters. According to copyright laws, you do not need to be making a profit to be prosecuted for distributing copyrighted materials such as music, movies, games and software files.
  3. Passwords

    Responsibility for passwords. Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords for access to the computer system. Individual passwords should not be printed, stored online or given to others. Users are responsible for all transactions made using their passwords. No User may access the computer system with another User’s password or account.

    Passwords do not imply privacy. Use of passwords to gain access to the computer system or encode particular files or messages does not imply that Users have an expectation of privacy in the material they create or receive on the computer system. Eastern Iowa Community Colleges has global passwords that permit it access to all material stored on its computer system-regardless of whether that material has been encoded with a particular User’s password.
  4. Security

    Accessing another user’s files. Users may not alter or copy a file belonging to another User without obtaining permission from the owner of the file. Ability to read, alter, or copy a file belonging to another User does not imply permission to read, alter, or copy that file. Users may not use the computer system to “snoop” or pry into the affairs of other users by unnecessarily reviewing their files and e-mail.

    Accessing other computers and networks. A User’s ability to connect to other computer systems through the network or by a modem does not imply a right to connect those systems to make use of those systems unless specifically authorized by the operators of those systems.

    Computer security. Each User is responsible for ensuring that use of outside computers and networks, such as the Internet, does not compromise the security of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ Computer Resources. This duty includes taking responsible precautions to prevent intruders from accessing the district’s network without authorization and to prevent introduction and spread of viruses.
  5. Viruses

    Virus detection and mal-ware. Viruses can cause substantial damage to computer systems. Each User is responsible for taking reasonable precautions to ensure he or she does not introduce viruses or malicious software (mal-ware) into Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ network. To that end, all material received on floppy disk or other magnetic or optical medium and all material downloaded from the Internet or from computers or networks that do not belong to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges will be scanned for viruses and other destructive programs before being placed onto the computer system. Users should understand that their home computers and laptops may contain viruses. All disks transferred from the computers to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ network MUST be scanned for viruses.

    Accessing the Internet. To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses and mal-ware, Users accessing the Internet through a computer attached to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ network must do so through an approved internet firewall. Accessing the Internet directly, by modem, is strictly prohibited unless the computer you are using is not connected to the district’s network.
  6. Encryption Software

    Use of encryption software. Users may not install or use encryption software on any of Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ computers without first obtaining written permission from their supervisors. Users may not use passwords or encryption keys that are unknown to their supervisors.

    Export restrictions. The federal government has imposed restrictions on export of programs or files containing encryptions technology (such as e-mail programs that permit encryption of messages and electronic commerce software that encodes transactions). Software containing encryption technology is not to be placed on the Internet or transmitted in any way outside of the United States without prior written authorization from the Director of Information and Technology Services.
  7. Miscellaneous

    Attorney-client communications. E-mail sent from or to an attorney representing the District should include this warning header on each page: “ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED. DO NOT FORWARD WITHOUT PERMISSION”.

    Compliance with applicable laws and licenses. In their use of Computer Resources, Users must comply with all software licenses, copyrights, and all other state, federal, and international laws governing intellectual property and online activities.

    Other policies applicable. In their use of Computer Resources, Users must observe and comply with all other policies and guidelines of the District, including but not limited to the following:

    Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Board Policy Manual
    Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Faculty, Staff, and Student handbooks
    Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Administrative Procedures Manual

    Amendments and revisions. This Policy may be amended or revised from time to time as the need arises. Users will be provided with copies of all amendments and revisions.

    No additional rights. This Policy is not intended to, and does not grant, Users any contractual rights.

Disciplinary Action: A student who is believed to have violated the Technology Policy may be charged with a violation of student conduct. Discipline and appeal processes will follow the established procedures in the Student Code of Conduct.

Failure to Pay Financial Obligations

The College may prevent registration for those students who have allegedly refused to pay or failed to pay a debt he/she owes to the College. Students who do not make arrangements to pay their tuition maybe dropped from their classes.


The College is opposed to activities which: seriously imperil the physical well-being of any student; are by nature indecent, degrading, or morally offensive; or reasonably can be assumed to have a degrading effect upon the mental or moral attitude of persons participating therein. Any group or individual participating in hazing activities characterized by any or all of the above will be subject to disciplinary action from the office of the Dean of Student Development.

Illegal Gambling

Illegal gambling is not permitted. Student groups or students who engage in gambling without a license and proper approval will be subject to disciplinary action by the Dean.

Misuse of Alcoholic Beverages

Violations of the College guidelines for the use of alcoholic beverages at College events, and violations of the District policies regarding alcoholic beverages on campus will result in disciplinary action by the Dean of Student Development. For more information regarding the District Alcohol Policy, please consult Board Policy 836.

Prohibition of Controlled Substances

EICC prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances by students and employees on property owned or leased by EICC or in conjunction with EICC sponsored activities. Violations of this policy will result in the initiation of disciplinary action. Students may obtain information about available drug or alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs from the Dean of Student Development.

Sex Offenses

As with any serious crime committed or attempted on college premises, it is the practice of EICC to encourage the victim to report any allegation of sexual abuse, including acquaintance rape, to the proper authorities for investigation. EICC will assist in the reporting process upon request.

Other Offenses

The college may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student who:

  1. forges, alters, or misuses College documents, records, or I.D. cards;
  2. intentionally disrupts the orderly processes of the College or interferes with the lawful rights of others;
  3. conducts him/herself in a manner which significantly interferes with College teaching, research,
    administration, disciplinary procedures, or other College activities and public service functions;
  4. damages, steals, defaces, or destroys College property or property of a member of the College
    community or campus visitor;
  5. knowingly gives false information in response to reasonable requests from College officials;
  6. assaults, threatens, abuses, or endangers in any manner the health or safety of a person at the College or
    at a College-sponsored event;
  7.  violates College policies or regulations, such as, parking; guidelines for student events; technology use,
    registration of student organizations and activities; registration of meetings and activities; use of
    College facilities; or the time, place, and manner of public expression;
  8. fails to comply with the directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties;
  9. is convicted of an indictable offense under either municipal, state, or federal law which occurred on
    College property or at an off-campus, College-sponsored event;
  10. illegally possesses, uses, sells, or purchases drugs, narcotics, hallucinogens, or alcoholic beverages on or
    off campus;
  11. repeatedly violates College policies, procedures, or guidelines and/or repeats less serious breaches of
  12. possesses firearms or other lethal weapons while on campus without specific permission from the Dean.

NOTE: College disciplinary action will ordinarily be only when these offenses occur on campus or at College- sponsored events.