Mar 31, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook 
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook

Registration, Credit, and Graduation Information


General Policy

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges believe in equal educational opportunities for all qualified individuals, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion and actual or potential family, prenatal or marital status in the educational programs and activities it operates. The colleges reserve the right to deny admission, re-admission or re-enrollment to anyone who may pose a risk to the best interest of the college community.

Clinton, Muscatine and Scott Community Colleges have an open admission policy, which means that anyone 16 years of age may apply, even without a high school diploma. Admission to the college does not automatically guarantee admission to all programs of study; you will need to meet the specific requirements for your chosen program. The colleges reserve the right to guide our placement in programs and courses based on assessment interviews and past academic experience.

All new students must complete an orientation session prior to the start of the semester.

Making sure students get off on the right foot is extremely important to us. This is why all students are required to complete our placement process. It makes sure you are placed in the appropriate classes from the start. Students may use their ACT scores, high school transcripts, SAT Scores or EICC reading and writing assessment, HiSET, scores for English and reading courses. The ACT, SAT, and/or the ALEKs assessment is used for math placement.

Students can take up to 6 credit hours of coursework that does not have prerequisites without completing the placement process. But to be officially admitted to a degree or certificate program, you must meet the total admission requirements of the college and the program.

Academic Load - What is Full Time?

A full-time academic load is 12 to 18 semester hours per term. Students taking 11 semester hours or fewer per term are classified as part-time. Students may, with special permission of the Dean, attempt more than 18 hours in the fall and spring semesters. If special program requirements exceed 18 semester hours per term, a student may register without special permission. A student may attempt more than 12 hours for the summer semester with permission from the Dean. Winterim is considered a part of the Spring semester for registration and is limited to one class in the four-week period.


How To Register

Prior to being officially enrolled in a course or program, a student must complete the necessary enrollment forms, and pay tuition and fees. Students may register in the Student Services office or online at and click on the self-service tab.

NOTE: Until this process is complete, a student is not considered to be officially enrolled.

Registration Forms

Registration Forms and information are available in the Student Services Office.

Veteran’s Priority Enrollment

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges offer military and veteran priority enrollment. During the designated priority enrollment period for current students, the new military and veteran students will be allowed to register as well.

Academic Advising

Students are assigned an Academic Advisor as they begin their registration process. Students are encouraged to work with their advisors in establishing their academic goals and in planning their coursework while at the college. Students must see their advisors for the first two semesters before registering for classes.

Changing Your Registration

Adding a Class

You are encouraged to see your Advisor for assistance in scheduling. Courses may be added during the first week of classes of a fall or spring semester. Summer or short term session students may have two days to add a course.

Dropping a Class

You are encouraged to see your instructor prior to dropping a class. The withdrawal process must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s office, or completed on self-service.

Withdrawing From College

When withdrawing from college you are encouraged to see your instructor and advisor first. The withdrawal form must be submitted to the Registrar’s office or completed on self-service before a student is considered officially withdrawn from the college. NOTE: Financial Aid recipients must contact the Financial Aid office when making a total withdrawal. Check the Tuition and Fees Refund Policy for a possible refund.

Medical Withdrawal

EICC is committed to supporting students in achieving success in their academic endeavors. When student health issues interferes with a student’s ability to successfully meet the requirements of their course of study, it is EICC’s policy to assist the student in withdrawing for the purpose of focusing on medical needs. A student may consider or be encouraged to take a voluntary medical leave in the event of a medical or mental health condition that interferes with their ability to be successful in their program of study.

A student who desires a voluntary medical leave will complete a Medical Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Dean of Student Development along with a letter from the medical provider recommending the withdraw. All applications for medical withdrawal will require thorough and credible documentation from the medical provider. The letter from the health provider should include the following information: date of the onset of the illness; dates the student has been under professional care; how the illness prevents the student from completing their coursework; the anticipated date the student will return to classes; and the last date the student was able to attend classes.


Administrative Withdrawal

Students may be withdrawn from a course, a program, or the college at any time during the term. Students may be withdrawn by the Dean of Students for reasons including, but not limited to, non-payment, incarceration, health and safety concerns, ineligibility due to visa issues, and suspension related to violations of student code of conduct. All circumstances leading to an administrative withdrawal will be documented and the student will receive a letter from the Dean of Students.


College credit is granted in terms of semester hours. An example is: a three semester hour class means that class meets three hours a week for a 16-week semester. Shortened term classes may meet for longer times depending on the length of the term.

Common Course Numbering

All of Iowa’s community colleges have moved to a bank of common course numbers and titles. Please contact your advisor or the registration staff at your campus if you have questions about locating a class.

Auditing a Class

If you audit a class, you will receive no grade or credit for the course, but your transcript will show the class was audited. You are not required to take tests, but you must participate in regular class activities. You may register for a class for audit credit only if there is space left in the class. Register in the Student Services office. You cannot receive financial aid if you choose to audit a class and will be responsible for the tuition for the class.

Credit by Examination

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges accept Advanced Placement (AP) and CLEP credit. Exam charges vary for each hour earned.

Former Credit

Credit received more previous years ago may not necessarily be accepted. This should be discussed with the Student Services office.

Freshman/Sophomore Credit Requirements

If you have 29 semester hours or less, you are a freshman. If you have 30 or more semester hours, you are a sophomore.

Military Credit

If you have satisfactorily completed a program of military training for which college credit may be given (in
accordance with American Council on Education standards and recommendations), you may be eligible to receive credit toward graduation requirement. See the Registrar’s office for more information.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all sessions of classes for which they are enrolled. Absences shall in no way lessen student responsibility for meeting the requirements of any class. Each instructor will outline expectations for attendance on their syllabus. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor and obtain lecture notes or assignments from the class.

Repeating a Course

Courses may be repeated. Only the grade and credits earned in the most recent course repeat will be used in computing your cumulative grade point average and applied toward degree or program requirements. Once a certificate, diploma, or degree is awarded a course used in the degree cannot be repeated for a new grade. Both grades will be calculated in your GPA. Courses must be taken within the EICC to be considered a repeat course.


If you do not complete the required work due to mitigating circumstances for a course during an academic term, you may request an “I” grade from the instructor by submitting an Incomplete Grade Form. Incomplete grades are at the instructor’s discretion. The form is available in the Student Services office. The form is a contract between the student and the instructor that outlines work to be completed. Work must be completed by midterm of the following term - excluding summer - [or a date designated by the instructor]; or a grade of “F” will be assigned. The required completion date will be noted on the Incomplete Grade Form.

Transferring Credit From Other Colleges to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC)

We accept transfer credit from colleges and universities accredited by the Higher Learning Commission or its regional counterparts. When examining transcripts from other colleges, EICC may accept the credit given to a student who has done successful work at another college provided our evaluation determines that the work was from an institution accreditor recognized by the United States Department of Education. Credit for equivalent courses will be accepted to satisfy specific course requirements for graduation. The transfer credit you receive may vary depending on the academic program you choose, and college registrars will decide on elective credit or course substitutions on an individual basis. Transfer credit will be recorded on your EICC transcript after you have requested a transcript evaluation. Transfer grades are not used in your EICC grade point average.

Career Technology to Liberal Arts Program

Credit earned in Career Technology courses at EICC as well as other accredited post-secondary institutions, may be accepted as elective credit toward arts and science degrees up to a maximum of 16 semester hours.

Students who change educational programs may expect to have previously taken courses credited as elective courses. For further clarification, consult the college Registrar.

Transferring EICC Credit

Transfer agreements and Transfer Advising Guides are posted on the EICC website at or on EICConnect.

Transfer in Iowa web portal assists students with transfers

Iowa’s Regent universities and community colleges have joined to create a web portal dedicated to assisting students with the transfer process. The site serves as a one-stop resource for students planning their future. The URL for the site is new window.

Each year, thousands of students transfer from Iowa community colleges to one of the state’s three public universities. Transferring from one college to the next can be a big step, but need not be complicated. The Website contains resources helpful in educational planning as well as information for students to discuss with their counselor or advisor.

The number one question transfer students ask is - How will my credits transfer? Students can learn about how their community college courses transfer to each of the three state universities by following the links on the Website. The Website contains resources explaining statewide articulation agreements and individual program-to-program articulation agreements by community college. These resources are useful for students planning to transfer as well as counselors and advisors. In addition to online resources, it’s always a good idea for students to discuss their plans with both a community college and university counselor or advisor. Contact information for the office or person responsible for transfer and articulation at each postsecondary institution is available on the site.

Jury Duty

Students who receive notice for jury duty should contact the jury administration for the court to inquire about a student deferment. If there is not a student deferment, students should provide a copy of the jury duty notice to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar will work with each student and their instructor(s) on an individual basis.