Feb 11, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Military and Veteran Student Handbook 
2023 - 2024 Military and Veteran Student Handbook

Adding and/or Dropping Courses

Courses may be adjusted during the first week of a semester for full term classes or 2 days for shortened class sessions. Courses may be dropped (with a grade of “W”) until ten class days prior to the first day of final exams for full term classes and one week prior to end date for shortened classes. A student who discontinues class attendance and does not officially drop the course will receive a failing grade for the course. If you either add or drop a course, you will need to notify your Certifying Official. Your Certifying Official is required to submit all changes to the VA within 30 days. Information on details of the adding/dropping process can be found in the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ College catalog.

Any change in your enrollment may affect your VA benefits. If you withdraw from a class and this withdrawal affects your enrollment status (full-time, half-time, etc.), you will be charged an overpayment by the VA, absent mitigating circumstances. For instance, in August you registered as a full-time student, you would receive full-time payment. You may decide in November to withdraw from a three semester hour course. You would then become a three-quarter time student. The VA will consider you a three-quarter time student from the beginning of the term. An overpayment for the difference between three-quarter and full-time for the entire semester will be assessed to the college. The college will then bill you for this overpayment. If this is not paid, you will not be able to register for future classes nor will transcripts be released.