Sep 20, 2024  
2023 - 2024 Cancer Information Management Student Handbook 
2023 - 2024 Cancer Information Management Student Handbook

Program Information


The sequence of courses in the program have been carefully planned to ensure the most effective and efficient presentation of curriculum. The designated program Advisor, Lorene McLaughlin will approve your registration if it meets the sequencing of the program and all pre-requisites have been completed. If there are exceptions that need to be made, the Advisor will be in contact with the Program Director. If it becomes necessary to drop or add a course after registration, the student must contact the Program Advisor, Amy Martin,, for any changes to registration.

If a student does not continue to attend a course and fails to withdrawal from the course, the instructor will have no choice but to assign a failing grade. Please note that any grade in core or pre-requisite course that receives a grade below a C will need to be re-taken, this could affect the program plan and your progress in the program. Each semester has a last day to drop day indicated on the college academic calendar.

Students must complete the core courses within a three year time span due to the fact that healthcare policies and procedures change often and if it takes more than three years to complete the core courses the information you learned first may be obsolete and this will not benefit you when taking the national examination. Students who have not enrolled for three consecutive semesters may also run a risk of re-taking a course. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case situation.

All students within the program will be required to complete a health form, background check and have updated immunizations that are required by the college or any additional items that are required by your on-site Practicum. Cost of the physical examination and vaccine updates will be the responsibility of the student, their insurance and provider.

Distance Learning

The CIM program at EICC is an online program offered through the Scott Community College campus. All program courses are offered through the colleges Learning Management System. The CIM Capstone, CIM-271 does requires the student to attend a Professional Practice Experience or Practicum for a total of 96-hours that give the students real-life activities with a Certified Tumor Registrar. This will require students to be on-site working under the direct supervision of a CTR. Any non-core courses for the program may be available to take on campus or online.

Distance learning courses require just as much, if not more time than a face to face course. Do not think that because this program is online that it is easier or contains less content. It is also important to note that there are weekly deadlines, due dates for assignments, discussions, quizzes and exams within Canvas that are required. This is not “learn at your own pace” program. General rule for every credit hour you should set aside three hours of time, this would mean a three-credit course will most likely require nine hours a week of studying and homework.

It is important to understand that while this is an online program, students need to know the content prior to taking a quiz or exam.

Previous College Experience

Students who have previous college experience or currently hold degrees, will need to submit your transcripts to the college and request a transcript evaluation. Courses you have previously taken at other institutions will not transfer in if you do not request a transfer evaluation, this information can be found on the EICC website

Grading Scale

All courses that have a course number of CIM, HIT and HSC will follow the Allied Health Career Technology Education grading scale:

  • 93-100% = A
  • 85-92%= B
  • 77-84%= C
  • 70-76%= D
  • 0-69%= F

EICC students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 throughout the program. Courses must be passed with a 77% or higher. The courses that must be completed with a “C” will be all of the CIM core courses as well as any pre-requisite courses to a core course.