Mar 06, 2025
DRA 101 - Introduction to Theatre Credit(s) 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 This course is a survey of the elements of theatre. The course covers units on audience/performer relationships, dramatic forms, dramatic literature, history of the theatre, dramatic theory and criticism, and technical theatre. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.
SLOs: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discuss the role of the playwright in a theatrical event.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of dramatic structure.
- Discuss the role of the actor in a theatrical event.
- Analyze a theatrical character.
- Discuss the role of the director in a theatrical event.
- Analyze a theatrical script.
- Discuss the role of the designer in a theatrical event.
- Apply theories of design to a specific script.
- Critique a theatrical production.
- Explain key mileposts of dramatic history.
- Identify the main points of audience/performer interaction.
- Recognize the different genres of drama.
- Identify various types of theatrical spaces.
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