Jan 21, 2025  
2023 - 2024 College Connections Procedures and Practice Guide 
2023 - 2024 College Connections Procedures and Practice Guide

Iowa Department of Education Authorizations

College Connections programming is authorized by Iowa Code 282.26.

EICC is National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) accredited. See the NACEP Standards cross walk below with the Iowa Code requirements, as provided for Senior Year Plus (SYP).


NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
A1. The college/university ensures concurrent enrollment students’ proficiency of learning outcomes is measured using comparable grading standards and assessment methods to on campus sections.
  • 281 22.3(2)(c). A teacher employed to provide instruction under this chapter shall…(c) provide curriculum and instruction that are accepted as college-level work as determined by the institution.
  • 281 22.3(2)(d). A teacher employed to provide instruction under this chapter shall… (d) use valid and reliable student assessment measures, to the extent available.
  • 281 22.4(1)(e). The institutions shall ensure that the courses provided achieve the same learning outcomes as similar courses offered in the subject area and are accepted as college level work.
  • 257.11(3)(b)(7). The class must be (7) taught in such a manner as to result in student work and student assessment which meet college level expectations.



NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
C1. Courses administered through a concurrent enrollment program are college/university catalogued courses with the same departmental designations, course descriptions, numbers, titles, and credits. 257.11(3)(b)(2, 3, 6). The class must be (2) included in the community college catalog or an amendment or addendum to the catalog; (3) open to all registered community college students, not just high school students…; (6) taught utilizing the community college course syllabus.
C2. The college/university ensures the concurrent enrollment courses reflect the learning objectives, and the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the respective college/university discipline.
  • 281 22.4(1)(e). The institution shall ensure that the courses provided achieve the same learning outcomes as similar courses offered in the subject area and are accepted as college level work.
  • 257.11(3)(b)(6). The class must be (6) taught utilizing the community college course syllabus.
C3. Faculty Liaisons conduct site visits to observe course content and delivery, student discourse and rapport to ensure the courses offered through the concurrent enrollment program are equivalent to the courses offered on campus. 281 22.4(1)(f). The institutions shall review the course on a regular basis for continuous improvement, shall follow up with students in order to use information gained from the students to improve course delivery and content, and shall share data on course progress and outcomes with the collaborative partners involved with the delivery of the programming and with the department, as needed.


NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
F1. All concurrent enrollment instructors are approved by the appropriate college/university academic leadership and must meet the minimum qualifications for instructors teaching the course on campus. 281 22.3(1). The teacher shall meet the standards and requirements set forth which other full-time instructors teaching within the academic department are required to meet and which are approved by the appropriate postsecondary administration.
F2. Faculty Liaisons at the college/university provide all new concurrent enrollment instructors with course-specific training in course philosophy, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment prior to the instructor teaching the course.
  • 281 22.4(1)(d). The institution shall ensure that teachers and students receive appropriate orientation and information about the institution’s expectations.
  • 281 22.4(1)(j). The institutions shall provide the teacher or instructor adequate notification of an assignment to teach a course under this chapter, as well as adequate preparation time to ensure that the course is taught at the college-level.
F3. Concurrent enrollment instructors participate in college/university provided annual discipline specific professional development and ongoing collegial interaction to further enhance instructors’ pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.
  • 281 22.4 (1)(i). The institutions shall provide the teacher or instructor appropriate orientation and training in secondary and postsecondary professional development related to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, policy implementation, technology, and discipline issues.
  • 281 22.3(2)(a). Teachers employed to provide instruction under this chapter shall… (a) collaborate, as appropriate, with other secondary or postsecondary faculty of the institution that employs the teacher regarding the subject area.
  • 281 22.4(3)(b). The eligible postsecondary institution shall provide the teacher or instructor with ongoing communication and access to instructional resources and support, and shall encourage the teacher or instructor to participate in the postsecondary institution’s academic departmental activities.
F4. The concurrent enrollment program ensures instructors are informed of and adhere to program policies and procedures
  • 281 22.4(1)(d). The institution shall ensure that teachers and students receive appropriate orientation and information about the institution’s expectations.
  • 281 22.3(2)(a). Teachers employed to provide instruction under this chapter shall… (a) collaborate, as appropriate, with other secondary or postsecondary faculty of the institution that employs the teacher regarding the subject area.



NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
S1. Registration and transcripting policies and practices for concurrent enrollment students are consistent with those on campus.
  • 281 22.2 (1)(a). The student shall meet the enrollment requirements established by the eligible postsecondary institution providing the course credit.
  • 281 22.4(1)(a). The institutions shall ensure that students or in the case of minor students, parents or legal guardians, receive appropriate course orientation information, including but not limited to a summary of applicable policies and procedures, the establishment of a permanent transcript, policies on dropping courses, a student handbook, information describing student responsibilities, and institutional procedures for academic transfer.
  • 281 22.4(1)(c). The institutions shall ensure that students are properly enrolled in courses that will carry college credit.
  • 257.11(3)(b)(4). The class must be (4) for college credit and the credit must apply toward an associate of arts or associate of science degree, or toward an associate of applied arts or associate of applied science degree, or toward completion of a college diploma program.
S2. The concurrent enrollment program has a process to ensure students meet the course prerequisites of the college/university. 281 22.2 (1)(c). The student shall have taken the appropriate course prerequisites, if any, prior to enrollment in the eligible postsecondary course, as determined by the eligible postsecondary institution delivering the course.
S3. Concurrent enrollment students are advised about the benefits and implications of taking college courses, as well as the college’s policies and expectations.
  • 281 22.4(1)(a). The institutions shall ensure that students or in the case of minor students, parents or legal guardians, receive appropriate course orientation information, including but not limited to a summary of applicable policies and procedures, the establishment of a permanent transcript, policies on dropping courses, a student handbook, information describing student responsibilities, and institutional procedures for academic transfer.
  • 281 22.4(1)(d). The institution shall ensure that teachers and students receive appropriate orientation and information about the institution’s expectations.
S4. The college/university provides, in conjunction with secondary partners, concurrent enrollment students with suitable access to learning resources and student support services. 281 22.4 (1)(b). The institutions shall ensure that students have access to student support services, including but not limited to tutoring, counseling, advising, library, writing and math labs, and computer labs, and student activities, excluding postsecondary intercollegiate athletics.



NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
P1. The concurrent enrollment program aligns with the college/university mission and is supported by the institution’s administration and academic leadership. Comparable requirement not in statute.
P2. The concurrent enrollment program has ongoing collaboration with secondary school partners. Comparable requirement not in statute.



NACEP Standards Iowa Statute
E1. The college/university conducts end-of-term student course evaluations for each concurrent enrollment course to provide instructors with student feedback. 281 22.4(1)(f). The institutions shall review the course on a regular basis for continuous quality improvement, shall follow up with students in order to use information gained from the students to improve course delivery and content, and shall share data on course programs and outcomes with the collaborative partners involved with the delivery of the programming and with the department, as needed.
E2. The college/university conducts and reports regular and ongoing evaluations of the concurrent enrollment program effectiveness and uses the results for continuous improvement. 281 22.4(1)(f). The institutions shall review the course on a regular basis for continuous quality improvement, shall follow up with students in order to use information gained from the students to improve course delivery and content, and shall share data on course programs and outcomes with the collaborative partners involved with the delivery of the programming and with the department, as needed.


*NOTE: This does not represent an exhaustive list of statutory Senior Year Plus requirements. Only those requirements directly related to a NACEP standard are included in this crosswalk.