REL 101 - Survey of World ReligionsCredit(s) 3.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 This is an introductory course to the origins and historical developments of various religions of the world. Particular emphasis will be placed on understanding why peoples of the world embrace various religions, and the role religion plays in giving meaning and purpose to personal and social existence. The course will provide students the opportunity to understand world events through an understanding of the impact of religious beliefs and values on people's daily lives. The study will include a survey of Religions of Prehistoric Cultures; Native American Religions; African Religions; Religions of India; Religions of China and Japan; Religions of Southwest Asia; Christianity; the Bahai Religion; and New Religions in America. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area. Prerequisite(s): ENG 095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment. SLOs: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
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