BIO 157 - Human BiologyCredit(s) 4.00 Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 2.00 This course is designed for students who are not majoring in a science or health related field. Human Biology is an introductory course that presents the structure and function of the human body along with its chemistry, organization, and continuity. Students will study general concepts of life demonstrated by the major body systems with applications to health, disease, nutrition, and wellness. Students will also study the basics of genetics, evolution, and the origins of life. This course is not equivalent to or intended to replace BIO 114 or BIO 168, but satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences area. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences Area. Prerequisite(s): ENG 095 SLOs: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
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