Mar 02, 2025
ADI 345 - Obstetrical Sonography Credit(s) 4.00 Lecture Hours: 4.00 This course will introduce students to the sonographic evaluation of the gravid uterus. Obstetrical imaging focuses on embryonic and fetal development and sonographic appearances of fetal and extrafetal anatomy throughout the gestational period. This course emphasizes an understanding of the fertilization process, clinical indications for obstetrical sonography and the sonographic appearances of the normal and abnormal gravid uterus specific to each trimester of pregnancy. The effect of maternal disease on the developing fetus as well as the sonographic complications and appearances during the post-partum period will be studied. This course is one of two courses replacing ADI 357.
Prerequisite(s): A minimum of C in ADI 340 and ADI 850 .
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