HSC 113 - Medical Terminology

Credit(s) 2.00
Lecture Hours: 2.00
This course will teach students about the body systems approach to learning medical language. Word parts are used to build, analyze, define, and spell medical terms. Structural, directional, disease and disorder, surgical, and diagnostic terms, pronunciations, and abbreviations are included.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the origin of medical terms.
  • Construct medical terms using word parts.
  • Explain medical terms using word parts.
  • Describe organizational components of the body using directional terms, anatomic planes, regions, and quadrants.
  • Identify the major body system structures and their related word parts.
  • Define medical and diagnostic terms related to diseases and disorders.
  • Define surgical terms related to each body system.
  • Recognize common abbreviations used in each body system and specialty area.
  • Identify correct pronunciation and spelling of medical terms.

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